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In loving memory of Devin Page Jr. and Allie Rice
and for all lives lost due to senseless gun violence
The legacies of Devin Page, Jr., Allie Rice, and others who have lost their lives to senseless violent crime will live on through the Page/Rice Public Safety Initiative.
Partnering with local law enforcement, businesses, and the public at large, the initiative assists in efforts to identify and locate criminal suspects, deter criminal activity, and restore public trust in community safety.
The Time To Act Is Now
Increase safety camera coverage in high-crime and/or high-traffic areas of town.
Increase the number of license plate readers (LPRs) along our interstates and highways to locate subjects of interest.
Implement gun detection software on crime cameras in schools and large places of gathering to expedite police response time to individuals out to cause harm.
LECJF, in collaboration with our law enforcement partners, is working with local business owners and residents to place cameras in high-priority areas. Purchase, fund or request a camera today!
PHASE 1 (January 2023 – December 2023)
Partner with area camera and installation vendors to support the initiative.
Status: Completed The Foundation utilizes the camera products Avigilon, Alta, and Project NOLA. Installation teams from AIC and eSouth Technologies assist in activating the cameras.
Launch free camera programs in high crime locations.
Status: Completed The Foundation has partnered with Thirty Three Strategies (33S), a local non-profit and philanthropic advisory practice, to develop a new camera workflow platform for free camera requests and to project manage in initiative. The Foundation will utilize two federal grants awarded through Project Safe Neighborhood.
Launch camera adoption program
Status: Completed Community businesses, local council members, and other neighbors have generously stepped up to adopt cameras that support law enforcement’s top camera location priorities.
Install 75 cameras in priority areas
Status: Completed Just over 100 cameras were installed in 2023 thanks to the generous offerings of community neighbors.
Install 50 cameras in hotels and restaurants
Status: Completed Thanks to a generous grant from VisitBR, the Foundation is installing cameras in hotels and restaurants populated by visitors and frequented by locals.
Phase 2: (January 2024 – June 2024)
Launch new website
Status: Completed
Integrate gun detection software to existing cameras
Status: Completed The Foundation has entered into a 3-year agreement with ZeroEyes, an AI gun detection and intelligent situational awareness software company.
About ZeroEyes’ AI software: The software will be layered onto dozens of existing digital security cameras located in strategic areas throughout the city. If a gun is identified, images are instantly shared with the ZeroEyes Operations Center (ZOC), staffed 24/7/365 by specially trained U.S. military and law enforcement veterans. If these experts determine that the threat is valid, they dispatch alerts and actionable intelligence – including visual description, gun type,and last known location – to local law enforcement and staff as quickly as 3 to 5 seconds from detection. The company, founded by Navy SEALs, Special Operations military veterans, and elite technologists, says they are living out their ongoing mission to protect and serve our country.
Launch a new workflow management platform
Status: Completed The LECJ Foundation has imbedded a workflow software onto its website that enhances the user experience, provides automatic notification updates to the user as their camera request(s) are triaged, and serves as a project management database to expedite camera installations.
Partner with local camera vendors and installation companies to track maintenance and upkeep of active cameras
Status: Completed
Identify defunct cameras that need to be removed from service
Status: Ongoing
Identify best locations for license plate readers (LPRs)
Status: Ongoing
Phase 3 (July 2024 – December 2024)
Replace 25% of defunct security cameras in Baton Rouge
Status: Completed
Add 5 LPRs on roadways throughout Baton Rouge
Status: Completed
Identify 100 locations in high-crime areas to host cameras through the federal program Project Safe Neighborhood.
Status: In Progress
Plan for 2024
Phase 4 (July 2024 – December 2024)
Identify additional tech and software needs that can assist law enforcement in creative ways.
Status: In Progress
Utilize Project Safe Neighborhood funding to install crime cameras in high-priority areasAdd 5 LPRs on roadways throughout Baton Rouge.
Status: In Progress
The Page/Rice Public Safety Initiative is partially funded through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this initiative (including, without limitation, policies, procedures, and any services or tools provided).